Gene flow and the migration patterns of a species is having a high-end correlation. As many researchers have approached the gene flow through migration, here we analyze gene flow probabilities with migration patterns based on sightings.

Here you can see the species migration by the heat signatures shown on the map and how our clusters (circular boundaries) properly capture those migration patterns.

Behavior Map

The chart given depicts the information on the number of occurunces of the given species throughout the given timeline. These are the general sightings that has been marked so far for each year that went on.

The map given gives the picture of the species and the migrations and interactions of clusters through the use of heat maps. You can use the slider to visit any temporal value and the map will show the sightings and locations in a heat map. Play, Pause and Reset allows you to automatically play and view the process of the migrations and interactions. Note the gene flow probability with the migration density.