Flow of gene can be estimated using the form Nem, (Where Ne is the population size and m is the fraction of migrants) So by geospatial clustering of the migration and sighting data of the species we can give a rough probability estimation for the Nem in other words gene flow, within different clusters by considering the cluster centre distances and the densities of the clusters.
So according to the above-mentioned methodology, following map contains the gene flow probabilities of Peregrine Falcon in consideration with their natural habitats with the time. Researchers say that better the gene flow better for the existence of the considered species.
The circular areas shown on the map are the geospatial clusters we have identified by analysing the species migration and sightings data. In middle of that clusters, you can see the estimated probability measure correspond to the gene flow of each population identified.
The peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus), also known as the Peregrine, and historically as the Duck Hawk in North America, is a widespread bird of prey in the family Falconidae.